Tacfit has a wide range of fitness and training programmes that can help you be a better martial artist or a better prepper. Fitness is never a bad thing. The beauty of Tacfit is you need very little equipment, so you can train at home. With bodyweight programmes, Flow Yoga, Clubbells, Steel Mace, Kettlebells and other programmes, Tacfit can allow you to train … [Read more...] about Prepper Fitness
Ideas For A Homemade Gym
You might prefer to do such things in the privacy of your own home or are simply put off by the high price of membership at a commercial setup – so why not put together or build your own homemade gym? Fit – at half the price There’s little doubt that keeping fit is good for the body, mind, and wellbeing. There’s probably something to be said for the discipline of … [Read more...] about Ideas For A Homemade Gym
The DIY Gym: Equipment To Get You Strong
Getting strong and fit doesn’t have to involve an expensive gym membership or lots of equipment. Here we share a few ideas of how you make your own DIY gym using readily available objects in and around your house, garage, or garden. We also touch on so low cost DIY gym options, too. Weights The American website Family Handyman suggests homemade barbells from plastic … [Read more...] about The DIY Gym: Equipment To Get You Strong
The Importance Of Practising Prepper Skills And Testing Fitness
Use it or lose it. Just as in any other area of an active life you hold dear, unless you use your prepper skills, put them into practice, and test your fitness and knowledge of survival, you’re likely to lose any of the good work you’ve done. The principles Skills – and the knowledge of how and when to bring them into play – are talents you need to work at. Skills are … [Read more...] about The Importance Of Practising Prepper Skills And Testing Fitness
What is Rucking?
Quiet at the back there! No, it’s not a rude word but one you might want to get used to if you are serious about prepping and have a mind to keep yourself fit. It goes by a host of different names – rucking, yomping, or tabbing, the UK website TrekSumo reminds us. The practice is as old as the hills – there is ample evidence that, back in the day, you would have encountered … [Read more...] about What is Rucking?