Introduction If you don’t prepare, you could lose everything. If you prepare for the worst and nothing happens, you’ve lost nothing.Gerald Celente Any Survivalist should have a solid luggage of skills to always rely on. This precious amount of knowledge not only allows you to carry less load on your back, but also to fix situations and diseases with what surrounds … [Read more...] about How To Deal With Officinal Plants
situational awareness
Preppers – and their art of prepping – have taken on an air of normality and respectability in the face of the social and economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, argued a piece in the Mirror newspaper on the 30th of October 2021. Who’s paranoid now! The story mentions the origins of prepping – basically, preparing for any natural or manmade disaster or … [Read more...] about Prepping
Preppers UK
It was the playwright George Bernard Shaw who said that Britain and the United States are two “nations separated by a common language”. Little did he know that the sentiment is likely to be shared by new generations of preppers in those two countries – the language is often the same, but the practice and reality of preppers UK and preppers US can be wildly … [Read more...] about Preppers UK
Build Prepping Into Everyday Life
Things tend to take on a smoother, more successful, and reliable pattern when they’ve become routine. That’s not to say that you’re taking things for granted, more that they’ve become a part of your everyday life. And that’s just the way that the most effective and successful prepping is likely to develop and take hold - when it becomes a way of life. The big … [Read more...] about Build Prepping Into Everyday Life
Road Rage, Car Jacking And Situational Awareness In Your Car
You’ll be aware of that well-worn phrase that familiarity breeds contempt. It might be something never truer than when you are driving your car. After all, you probably spend a lot of time behind the wheel for one reason or another – the daily commute to work, taking the kids to school, popping out to the shops, and even holidays when you might spend days at a time simply … [Read more...] about Road Rage, Car Jacking And Situational Awareness In Your Car