Generating power from the wind can have a huge impact on your home’s energy consumption and provide a clean, renewable source of energy. It is possible to generate power from wind at home without having to spend too much money. In this article, we take a look at some of the low-cost options available to generate power from wind, safety tips to consider, and ways to store the … [Read more...] about Generating Power from Wind at Home
How To
How To Prepare For A Flood
Flooding has become an increasingly common occurrence in the UK, with the Environment Agency predicting that an estimated 5.2 million properties are at risk of flooding. With the risk of flooding increasing, it is important to be prepared and have a plan in place in the event of a flood. This article will provide advice on how to prepare for a flood in the UK. Are you at … [Read more...] about How To Prepare For A Flood
Preppers Guide To Water Storage
There are many ways to store water, depending on your needs and the available space. Some common methods include: Water Collection Ideas There are many ways to collect water, depending on your location and the availability of natural resources. Some common methods include: Water Purification Tips Here are some tips for purifying … [Read more...] about Preppers Guide To Water Storage
Guide To Home-Grown Food Options Using Hydroponics
As a prepper, you’ll be giving a lot of thought to the food you’ll need to store. During any natural or manmade disaster, of course, you’ll need to keep eating. But how much is enough? The size and extent of your food store is tied into the length of any emergency – and, by definition, you’ll not know how long that’s going to last. The way to supplement those stores – and … [Read more...] about Guide To Home-Grown Food Options Using Hydroponics
The Importance of Training
One thing preppers tend to focus on is acquisition – acquiring new gear and acquiring new skills. But, for some though, that's where it stops. Kit gets packed away, unopened and unused. It simply gets ticked off a checklist you downloaded from the internet. It’s the same with skills, people learn some self-defence or acquire a new skill and then think they know it and file … [Read more...] about The Importance of Training