A new text service developed by the government is being trialled on May 25 to residents in east Suffolk. The SOS text alert will warn the public of emergencies including floods, fires and terrorist attacks are. The Daily Mail reports that if the pilot later this month is successful, it will be available across the UK later this year. It states: Messages will be … [Read more...] about Britons will be sent SOS text alerts warning of terror attacks, fires and severe flooding
Chernobyl – The Aftermath
You’ll have noticed a fairly regular theme in our blogs. We tend to steer clear of all talk of a nuclear apocalypse and, instead, concentrate on the less dramatic – almost mundane – emergencies and crises that plague our lives. Prepping for these is a way of helping us cope when the inevitable occurs. But we cannot let slip the fact that 35 years ago this April a nuclear … [Read more...] about Chernobyl – The Aftermath
How rhesus macaques thrived after Hurricane Maria
Who do you take lessons from if you want to learn about survival? Who will you choose as your role models? As unlikely as it might seem, you could do worse than taking a leaf from the book of our closest primate ancestor, the monkey. That is a lesson drawn from an account published in Scientific American magazine on the 8th of April 2021. Lessons from Cayo … [Read more...] about How rhesus macaques thrived after Hurricane Maria
Preparationists in Spain
Prepping is no longer the sole preserve of Anglo-Saxon followers in North America and the UK – it is fast taking hold among Latin populations and in Spain in particular, according to a story in Euronews on the 9th of April 2021. The story unravels events on one of the increasingly popular survival courses now springing up all over Spain. According to the article, in less … [Read more...] about Preparationists in Spain
Preppers Going Mainstream
As more people face the fact that even relatively “normal” events and setbacks can leave us temporarily at a loss to cope, being prepared for some unexpected, natural, or manmade crisis or emergency just seems like so much good sense. This means that being prepared – i.e. being a prepper - is much more mainstream. Middle-class preppers An article published by the BBC … [Read more...] about Preppers Going Mainstream