You’ll be aware of that well-worn phrase that familiarity breeds contempt. It might be something never truer than when you are driving your car. After all, you probably spend a lot of time behind the wheel for one reason or another – the daily commute to work, taking the kids to school, popping out to the shops, and even holidays when you might spend days at a time simply … [Read more...] about Road Rage, Car Jacking And Situational Awareness In Your Car
Working On Your Situational Awareness
Are you truly aware of everything that’s going on around you? You might think you move through life with your eyes wide open. You might give any new situation a good look around before taking stock of what is going on. But situational awareness is likely to take rather more than simply keeping your eyes open – and here are a few tips and suggestions for working on and … [Read more...] about Working On Your Situational Awareness
Prepper Mindset – Be Prepared
Prepping – in many ways, it’s all in the mind. Developing the right mindset will certainly help you be better prepared for whatever outrageous slings and arrows life happens to throw at you. What is a mindset? That’s all well and good but what exactly is a mindset? To illustrate what is generally meant by the term, it is perhaps no accident that it has been adopted as the … [Read more...] about Prepper Mindset – Be Prepared
Tips On Tactical Gardening
In this age of 24-hour supermarkets and food that is imported from every corner of the world whatever the season, it might be difficult to get your head around the benefits of self-sufficient gardening. What is today easy to pick up at your local supermarket as and when you need it tomorrow might prove impossible in the face of some emergency or disaster. You will then have … [Read more...] about Tips On Tactical Gardening
Local Foraging – Pay Attention To What Wild Food You Find In Your Local Area
There are several essentials vital to your survival during times of crisis or emergency. Whatever the severity of any disaster that may strike, for instance, you are very soon going to need water to drink, a shelter from storms and other bad weather, the ability to start a fire, and food. Preppers make provision for this last need for food by laying down stores of … [Read more...] about Local Foraging – Pay Attention To What Wild Food You Find In Your Local Area