Self-defence can be such a valuable skill set that even young teenagers have campaigned for it to be taught in schools, reported the BBC early in 2020.
You never know when you might come under attack and the ability to defend yourself might prove the literal difference between life and death. But how can you learn?
The principles of learning self-defence
Some things you can learn by talking to people or reading a book, other things you just have to get out there and do.
Self-defence books – or even videos – can give you some of the background and can reinforce what you’ve been learning face to face and hand to hand, but you’ll not beat engaging with the physical interaction with your teacher or in a class, in a socially distanced way.
Self-defence classes
Take a look online or scan your local paper and you’ll soon find a selection of different classes that all hold out the prospect of some kind of self-defence training.
Making your choice can be both difficult and easy. Difficult because of the range of various classes and disciplines likely to be on offer; yet, at the same time, easy because there is no single “best” method or school of self-defence.
You can keep it really simple – go for boxing or judo, let’s say, rather than anything too flashy. Instead, choose a discipline that you like the sound and look of – remembering that it’s going to be easier to learn if you can positively enjoy the process.
To that end, don’t be in any rush to sign up for the full course or package but take advantage of the taster sessions offered by any self-respecting self-defence school or gym. Check out a selection of different sessions on offer locally and just see what suits you the best.
If you live out in the sticks, of course, you will almost certainly be more limited in your choice so widen your net a bit, take some classes a little further afield, and don’t just leap in with both feet into the first course you attend.
You can also look online for self-defence classes – many now run Zoom lessons where the teacher can see you and correct your technique.
The Approach 360
The Approach 360 is an award-winning unique, easy-to-learn and extremely effective method of self-defence suitable for all.
This has been tried and tested worldwide for over a decade with huge success and is now available to learn ONLINE in over 30 compact video lessons!
- Hand friendly
- No blocks, only strikes
- Learned quickly
- Simple choice, zero confusion
- Eliminates “What Technique Syndrome”
- Hit hard
- Gross motor skills ONLY
- 360 Degrees
- Deals with all 3 battles you’re fighting
Few of us are used to close physical contact on a regular basis – especially when that sparring is likely to result in some painful bruises not to mention the strains, aches, and pains you might get from unaccustomed physical exercise.
Just remember that you’ll be grateful for some degree of battering from that physical contact and sparring if and when you are faced with a real-life situation in which you need to fight back against someone punching or kicking you. Expect to take those knocks and blows – and welcome them for the lessons they are teaching you.
The wider gains
Self-defence classes or martial arts training will give you more than the skills you might need for warding off an attack. It is also a path to increasing your physical fitness, improving your agility and flexibility, and generally boosting your self-confidence.
So, make it a part of your overall fitness training – something we urged any prepper to do in our blog back in January of this year. You’ll need to stay fit to progress with your self-defence training, while the training itself will also help keep you fit – it’s a symbiotic relationship. If you were in any doubt about that, take a look again at our blog on the 2nd of June which talked about the value of regularly testing your fitness.
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