Successful prepping involves a whole basket of different skills. But not all prepping skills are equal – you’ll find that some will count more than others.
So, let’s take a closer look at the top three preps on which you can focus on so that together, you can be prepared for the unexpected.
1. Mental preps
When you’ve done with all the scrabbling around assembling all kinds of fancy equipment and stocking up on essential supplies, you’re always going to come back to the fact that prepping is largely a state of mind.
The way you think – your mental preparedness – is likely to count for a whole lot more than any amount of equipment or even the survival knowledge you picked up as a backwoodsman.
There are a couple of fancy-sounding buzzwords that sum up just what we mean. And you can review the importance and impact of “mindfulness” and “mindset” by revisiting our blog.
These are the qualities that will help you act instinctively – rather than out of panic – when disaster strikes or an emergency occurs. You can test yourself by carrying out emergency drills to familiarise yourself in advance so that nothing strikes you as so completely unexpected or disturbing when the worst comes to the worst.
2. Physical preps
If you’ve left it until the emergency occurs before discovering your physical limitations, you’ve already left it too late.
Following any natural or manmade disaster, you’ll need to be as physically fit as it’s possible for you to be. You don’t have to be a fitness fanatic – rather it’s a case of prepping beginning with yourself, your physical ability to cope with the challenges, and the fact that keeping yourself in good shape now will give you that essential edge when facing any difficulties that lie ahead.
In this article, we suggest some of the measures you might want to use to evaluate your fitness now – and the goals you might want to set so that you become fitter still. Remember that it’s not a competition – except with yourself – to develop your core fitness skills and improve the overall extent of your physical capabilities.
By growing faster and stronger you’ll develop greater confidence in facing down the challenges thrown up by any demanding situation.
3. Skills preps
If you’ve followed in the tracks of our regular blogs, you’ll have noticed that there’s one lesson we’ve stressed time and again – when it comes to the choice between preppers’ equipment and skill, the latter wins out every time.
Invest as much as you like in all the heavily advertised survival gear and your prepping will have come to nothing if you don’t know how to use it. As we have previously discussed, if you don’t know when, where, or how to use the equipment you’ve bought, you could be setting yourself up for a massive failure.
The skills and knowledge you develop will count as the completely free items of kit that any prepper will need – and they’re vital pieces of equipment that no one can take from you.
Some people might be put off the whole idea of prepping by what seems like a long list of skills, equipment, and supplies you’ll need to assemble.
With our simple trio of core preps, you can be well on your way to preparing for any eventuality – and none of it requires expensive kit or equipment. Develop a prepper’s mindset, keep yourself fit, develop some core skills – and you’ll have the necessary top three preps.
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