No day is the same and we are learning all of the time. But the process of learning is not only universal, but it can also be done in a wide variety of ways. When it comes to learning prepping skills, in particular, let’s take a closer look at what might be involved.
What works best for one person might not be the same for another – we are all different and one of the secrets to effective and lasting learning is to find out what works best for you.
Remember, skills aren’t only learning self-defence, but knowing how to prep food and being able to create warmth and shelter too.
Even a fairly brief search will highlight the growing popularity and availability of bushcraft, survival, and outward bound courses there are in the UK these days.
One of our past blogs discussed some of the many benefits of this type of training course – not just in the skills you will learn but also the chance to challenge yourself as you join the team building valuable personal relationships and life skills.
You can look at local courses in self-defence, as well.
Even when conditions outside strike you as too harsh by half and you are relaxing in front of the fire, you can still take down a book that teaches you some of the skills you will need as an accomplished prepper.
Building up your own library of prepping books and guides – a single shelf should do it – will give you a valuable learning resource for those quieter moments when you are relaxing and feeling less than active.
You may want to consider books such as The Prepper’s Long Time Survival Book The Prepper’s Pantry and The Prepper’s Complete Book of Disaster Readiness.
As we’ve insisted on many previous occasions, prepper skills and talents beat any amount of expensive and sophisticated equipment hands down – just see our posting of the 10th of May 2021 on “Skills over Kit”.
By very much the same token, practice – as well as reading about it – will beat hands down any amount of theory or bookish learning or even surfing of the internet.
So, as you plunder the many and varied sources of learning and acquire ever more knowledge about preppers and prepping, remember to test out those lessons, challenge yourself, and put them into practice.
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